Workout By Celebrity Trainer Jason Walsh

jasonwalshCeleb trainer Jason Walsh, known for sculpting bodies like Jessica Biel and Reese Witherspoon has been so kind as to offer all of us regular Joe’s a great circuit workout so we can get a great full body toning and slimming experience.

Jason says that this is a typical three part workout that he does with his clients. It gets your heart rate up and will strenghten your body at the same time. Double bonus!! It is a multi-joint exercise that will work more than one muscle group at a time, and will maximize your workout time. For more information on Jason check out his site: Walsh advises that you keep track of rest times and weights so you can increse resistance and decrease rest periods in an effort to challenge the muscle groups and keep the workout fresh and effective.

You will need dumbells, a medicine ball, step (or low chair) and a pull up bar or lat machine. If you’r at home and trying to do a pull up, you can use a chair to assist you and the door frame to help you do slow, asissted pull ups (get a friend to support your weight a little, these are challenging).

  • 5-10 Minutes light to moderate cardio (walk/jog is perfect) activley stretch your hamstrings, quads, inner thighs, calves, pecs and torso
  • Cirucit 1 (Repear 3 times with 60 second rest between sets) Side Planks 30 seconds on each side

                                                                                                                                        Jump Squats 15 reps

                                                                                                                                        Push ups (can use knees if needed) 10 reps

  • Circuit 2 (Repeat 3 times with 60 seconds rest inbetween sets) Squat to press (medicine ball) 15 reps

                                                                                                                                             Pull ups or Lat Pulldowns 10 reps

                                                                                                                                             Bent over rows (dumbells) 15 reps

  • Circuit 3 (Repeat 3 times, rest 60 seconds between sets)           Lateral Lunges 10 reps each leg

                                                                                                                                           Step Ups onto bench 10 each leg

                                                                                                                                           Straight leg sit ups 15 reps

Those with lower back problems do not attempt the straight leg sit ups, this can put a lot of pressur eon the lumbar spine, try 90 seconds of crunches instead.  Do this routine twice a week with one day of rest between work out days. Alternate it with cardio. Cardio is the key to staying lean. Incline walk or slow jog for 45-60 minutes will trim off the fat. Jessica Biel is a fan of this kind of workout.


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